Hi My Name Is

Julia Teleki

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20th, Feb 2024
Texas, United States

CSCE 445-500 Assignment 1

Section 1

Hello! I’m Julia and I’m a senior computer science major with an emphasis in art. This class interested me because I have a love for media, old and new, and art. I also love combining two things that seemingly don’t go together until you think about it: like technology and art.

Section 2

Most Abstract -> Least Abstract

Art -> Painting -> Landscapes

Art -> Short Films -> TikTok videos

Phone -> Communication -> Text messages

Computer -> Messaging -> Email

Television -> Movies -> Thrillers

Section 3

Challenge with My Content Production

One challenge in the art world currently is the stolen intellectual property of artists by artificial intelligence models that learn and copy their style and recreate it. This means that the artist will face a loss of revenue from potential customers who would’ve otherwise been forced to pay the artist for their work. I would hate for my personal painting style to be mimicked by a machine and receive no work for their code being trained off my data.

Challenge with My Content Consumption

Another challenge that I face when I am consuming TikTok videos is that I always snooze my 1 hour timer each day. I never snooze it for a quick 15 minutes either, I always turn it straight off for the day. It’s too easy to be addicted to quick, short form content. The rush of feeling all emotions on the spectrum rapidly is addictive. TikTok will show you a cute cat video, then right after, will display a heart wrenching video of a journalist documenting the Israel Palestine conflict in Gaza.

Julia Teleki

Computer Science and Art

Assignment 2

Question 1

3 Themes:

Top Navigation Bar: The following websites all contain a navigation bar at the top of the page. This allows you to access different parts of their site with ease. Everyone had a different style but the same navigation.

Kimberly Gohyun Navya

Bold Colors: These next 3 websites all feature bold colors. This is eye catching to the viewer of the site, and draws them in to explore. A super bright or dark color is also a nice design choice.

Kavya Neha Sarah

Background Image: These 3 websites all feature a design choice that I made as well: a background image. The last link features a video, like I did. Background images and videos are a great way to create depth and visual delight.

Shreyas Romey Cyril

Question 2

The first time around I did not correctly identify the media that I consume. I also would like to add more formatting to my overall answer. I think that it would help with readability and help people understand the hierarchy. I would revise my media categorization by changing them to:










Social Media





Sorry To Bother You

TV Shows

The Bear